Age is Just a Number
Older workers aren’t lame ducks or relics. All across the globe, populations are skewing much older than in the past. Today, a reasonably healthy 65 year old can expect to live into their 90’s and in just a few short years 25% of the workforce may be 55 and older. Some choose to continue to work and others keep working because they can’t earn enough in a 40 year career to support themselves if they live into their 90’s. This longevity is not a problem but an opportunity for companies who are willing to change.
Age truly is just a number. For me and others like me, our desire to be relevant, to continue to learn new things, to be innovative and inventive, to find new ways to solve problems, to make a meaningful impact and add value are the same today as they were when we were in our 30’s. The difference today is that the wisdom workers are in a much better place to manifest these things, to share their knowledge and enjoy the experience.
We all know that many of the greatest achievements in art, science, politics, music and virtually all endeavors that do not require the physical form of youth, have come from those of us who are older. Makes sense to me given the decades of learning, honing our crafts and overcoming adversities that life offers up. So many success factors simply come with time.
In spite of the truth that we do get better with age, one day I woke up and found out I was no longer relevant. The youth movement has gotten a lot of attention and much of it is deserved. But not to the exclusion of wisdom. Why is this an “either/or” situation? And just because the younger folk joined the party doesn’t mean the elders need to be kicked out.
Why don’t we blend the strengths insights, diversity of thought and experience and have one heck of an intergenerational party! Become an “Age Smart Employer” today and realize unbridled success.